How to cancel NordLayer subscription?
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    How to cancel NordLayer subscription?

      Article summary

      This guide will show you how to permanently cancel your NordLayer subscription. Please note that canceling your subscription will immediately revoke your access to your account and any configurations you've created in the NordLayer Control Panel.

      If you only want to prevent your subscription from automatically renewing at the end of your current billing cycle, please refer to our guide on disabling auto-renewal.

      In order to cancel your NordLayer subscription:

      1. Log in to the NordLayer Control Panel.

      Screenshot 2024-08-12 at 16.18.09.png

      1. Click on Subscription in the top right corner.

      Cancel Subscription.png

      1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Cancel subscription.

      This ends your subscription on the current expiration date. You'll still have access to the service until that date.

      After your subscription expires, you will have a 7-day grace period. If you resubscribe during this time, you will regain access to the same gateways and private IP addresses you had previously.

      Note: In case you have any questions or are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support team.

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