Re-installing NordLayer on Linux (RHEL)
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    Re-installing NordLayer on Linux (RHEL)

      Article summary

      You can get the GPG keys for confirmation at

      To uninstall NordLayer

      sudo yum remove nordlayer
      sudo rm -rf /var/lib/nordlayer

      To start the whole installation anew

      1. Download the NordLayer repository package. In Terminal, go to the directory where you have downloaded the package and run this command:
      sudo yum install ./nordlayer-latest-1.0.0-noarch.rpm
      1. Update your package lists:
      sudo yum makecache
      1. Install the application from your package manager:
      sudo yum install nordlayer
      1. Add your user to the application group (the application runs on its own system user and group, so only members of the group have permission to use it)
      sudo usermod -a -G nordlayer $(whoami)

      Note: that this change will only take effect at the next login, so log in again or reboot.

      1. Once that is done, please try logging in by using a command 'sudo nordlayer login'

      Note: In case you have any questions or are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support team.

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