Server usage analytics
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    Server usage analytics

      Article summary

      Dashboard is a feature on the Control Panel designed to enhance data analytics, identify anomalies, and ensure seamless server usage.

      Organization Administrators can leverage the Dashboards to monitor how Members use NordLayer, including tracking the most used protocols, the number of active sessions, usability trends, and other metrics.

      Overview of Dashboards

      Dashboards offer several analytics features, with three existing dashboards—Protocol Usage, Active Sessions, and Bandwidth (now renamed to Throughput)—and four newly introduced ones.

      Protocol Usage: Displays the connections per protocol, including Browser Extensions, over a selected time range. This aids in identifying service usage and potential compatibility issues.

      Active Sessions: Shows the number of connections to different servers with a dedicated IP over a selected time range. This helps identify unusual behaviors, such as after-hours connections or connections to backup or side gateways. While the feature does not specify which particular users are connected, you can identify them by reviewing the activity log.

      Active sessions.png

      Throughput (Previously Bandwidth): This dashboard measures the average data transmission rate per second through the organization's private VPN gateway. By setting specific time periods for analysis, admins can efficiently monitor network throughput and assess the performance stability of their private servers.

      Throughput - Protocol usage.png

      Newly Added Dashboards:

      NordLayer data shows the quantity of devices, app versions, and browser information for devices that have logged into NordLayer in the past month.

      2FA adoption: This metric provides an overview of the organization's adoption rate of two-factor authentication (2FA), a critical security measure that adds an extra layer of protection to user accounts.

      Browser distribution: This data point provides insight into the various browsers used with extensions within the organization. This is useful for web development, testing, and ensuring compatibility with the organization's internal web applications.

      Browser distribution - 2fa adoption.png

      Client versions: This metric shows the distribution of NordLayer application versions in use within the organization. It helps identify devices running outdated versions that may lack the latest features or security patches.


      After reinstalling or updating a device, both the previous and new versions may be reflected in the chart for up to 30 days, potentially causing the numbers to appear temporarily doubled.

      OS distribution: This data point gives admins visibility into the types of operating systems used across the organization. It assists in troubleshooting, planning software updates, and understanding the organization's tech landscape.

      Os distribution - Client versions.png

      Shared Gateways: This widget displays an interactive world map where countries are color-coded based on gateway usage within the network. On the left side, a ranked list of the top Shared Gateways is shown, sorted by the number of connections. Each connection represents a unique user accessing the gateway within a 24-hour period.


      Dashboard capabilities

      The dashboards on the Insights page offer several filtering options:

      • UTC time
      • Custom time range: Choose a custom time range, or select the last 7 or 30 days, with options for hourly or daily data intervals.
      • Server selection: Filter by a specific server or display data for all servers within the organization.
      • Protocol selection: Select a particular protocol, including Browser Extensions, or show all protocols.
      Important notes
      • Selecting the daily filter for a month shows the average throughput per day on the graph.
      • Data is accessible for up to 60 days.
      • The server processes the same amount of data regardless of the protocol used; details on data usage per protocol are not available.

      Note: In case you have any questions or are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support team.

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