Setting up manual OpenVPN connection on iOS
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    Setting up manual OpenVPN connection on iOS

      Article summary

      1. Go to the App Store on your iPhone/iPad

      2. Tap on the Search bar

      3. Enter "openvpn connect" in the search bar

      4. Find the OpenVPN Connect application and tap on its installation button


      1. Once the app is installed, download the .ovpn configuration file for your private gateway (either the UDP or TCP version)


      1. On the pop-up, tap the blue Download button

      ​​7. When the configuration is downloaded, select the Downloads button in the top right corner

      After that, click on the downloaded configuration.


      1. When the downloaded configuration opens, click the Share button in the top right corner


      1. In the Share sheet, tap the Copy to OpenVPN button


      1. Inside the OpenVPN application, select File and tap Add to add the imported configuration


      1. You will see a pop-up asking for permission to add OpenVPN to your VPN configurations

      Click Allow.


      1. Tap on the switch of the imported configuration to connect to a NordLayer private gateway


      1. To disconnect, tap on the same button you used to connect

      Note: In case you have any questions or are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support team.

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