3rd party authentication for end customers via the Service Management Portal
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    3rd party authentication for end customers via the Service Management Portal

      Article Summary

      Currently, you can sign into the NordLayer application and the NordLayer Control Panel with:

      You can enable 3rd party authentication or disable the option to use username/password login via the Service Management Portal on our website. Head to Settings and Login methods to do so.

      Login methods On.png

      Regarding all 3rd party SSO, excluding Google SSO, the NordLayer partner can gather client info and set everything up while impersonating by following our SSO guides above. Or the client organization can gather all info needed for SSO and contact our support team.

      For a quick demonstration on where to find these settings, please take a look at our video guide.

      Note: In case you have any questions or are experiencing any issues, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer support team.

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